Building a Business While Employed And Raising Kids
Get real-life, practical tips and advice on how to stay focused and take consistent action to build your business in a clear, calm and consistent way, even if you work full-time and are raising kids.
You'll hear from other women building businesses and my own experience about growing my business on the side of my 9 to 5 job.
Follow me on LinkedIn, where I share daily insights and lessons making the transition from employee to entrepreneur in 1 hour a day: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharonsinghsidhu/
Building a Business While Employed And Raising Kids
123. Thriving Career, Happy Kids
Do you see having a successful career coming at the expense of time, bonding and connection with your kids?
Do you feel you have to make sacrifices or are they simply choices you make in your life?
When it comes to thriving and building a successful career as a mom - whether that’s in a job or a business you run - it comes down to your perspectives and how you see things.
In today’s episode, I wanted to share a few of mine with you as a career mom.
I’ve gained these perspectives in the course of building a career and raising 2 teenagers both which I love, over the past 2 decades.
This is something I’ll be sharing more of in the podcast as a career mom.
To learn more about how you can build a thriving career while raising happy kids who are bonded and connected with you, come for my free Master Class on Thriving in Career and Motherhood. You can sign up here: https://sharonsinghsidhu.com/meetup