Building a Business While Employed And Raising Kids

124. Kasturi Gomatham, Global Head of Battery Swapping (E-mobility) at Shell Shares Her Tips on Growing a Successful Career as a Mother

Sharon Singh Sidhu

Join me as we hear Kasturi Gomatham, Global Head of Battery Swapping (E-mobility) at Shell share her experience as a chemical engineer and growing her career to where she is today as a full time working mom heading up the Battery Swapping business at Shell. She shares how being a mom and observing her own mother's resilience influenced her approach to balancing work and family. She emphasized the importance of picking meaningful moments and finding solace in sleep during tough times, the importance of having a support system and prioritizing self-care. If you’re a working mom who has big aspirations for your career, then this is a must listen to hear how other moms like you are doing it!

Resources Mentioned

Samantha Siffring

Encore Empire

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