Building a Business While Employed And Raising Kids

143: Follow your curiosities and try something new

Sharon Singh Sidhu Episode 143

When you're a busy working mom growing a business on the side, it's all about trying something new and experimenting.

Often, typical business building advice don't work under your circumstances.

You need to adapt and improvise - that requires you to follow your curiosity and try something new sometimes. 

If you find this scary to do, then today's podcast episode is for you!

I recently tried a crystal sound healing and chakra balancing session when I was in Bali. I'd never tried this before, but it seemed interesting so I decided to give it a go.

I share more details about it in my podcast, what I got from it, and also:

  • a previous business experiment that on the surface looks like it led to really bad outcomes
  • why I'll always still follow my curiosities to try and experiment despite this
  • what to do if you're feeling fearful or hesitant about trying something new

I hope this gives you ideas and inspiration to go do that thing you've been thinking about!