Building a Business While Employed And Raising Kids

150: How to carve out time for your side projects

Sharon Singh Sidhu Episode 150

Designing a career you love includes getting clear about what you like doing.

You find out what you love doing and if it works by actually doing them.

But how do you find time in your busy schedule for these side projects?

I'm a full-time breadwinning mom and primary caregiver to our 2 kids.

I also have my own dreams and goals I'm working on every day.

This means I've got to be creative about optimizing my time and energy.

Listen to this week's episode where I share how I maintain a daily writing practice.

This daily practice is how I consistently post on LinkedIn, record a podcast like this and send a weekly newsletter.

If you've got something you've been wanting to do but just can't find the time, this episode is for you!

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